Hi it seems that the problem is with the system RAM, not the deep learning GPU ram. How much RAM do you have, our program uses a lot since to...
You can try to move " data=np.zeros((batch_size,3,npx,npx)) " 2 lines upwards, so that it is before the "while(true) yield ..." loop. A bit hacky, but may solve the problem.
Hi thanks a lot for the comment, I may take a look and see what settings work best for that texture. It is indeed sometimes trial-and-error to choose the right...
Some of the artifacts of the images may be a general issue with deconv. filter implementations, see I changed a bit the parameters and tried with your texture nz...
Hi to answer briefly most of your questions: PSGAN deals with 2D planar data, so planar coordinates have X and Y components. When using affine waves, the waves can be...
Hi I noticed this when playing with the code and copy-pasting parts of it and testing how it works. My usage of the TPS was not the canonical Lasagne usage...
I tried to have a look and identify the problem. However, I cannot run the experiment with the command line options you gave: -- hukosai.jpg is not in the repository,...