Niki Papadatou
Niki Papadatou
The --restricted option is being used by some calls on both the /bee and /debug APIs with the default value being false. On the /bee API, when the option is...
On the /rediness call we get no response back when calling it. We can see the 200 code upon -V flag, but no response is returned. We need to make...
A new tool has been implemented which scans a localstore folder for corrupted and invalid chunks versus total amount of chunks per file belonging to pinned content. The tool is...
This epic will wrap all tasks that are related to download an upload errors, speed & performance issues.
There are some download errors on the smoke tests, that are happening on both dev-bee-gateway & bee-gateway. They are present for a while now and they come and go. The...
It seems we occasionally experience errors on uploads. This is not consistent and there may be days in a row that we do not see them at all. Other days...
We need to have some kind of alerting for nodes that run low in funds. After we do this, we need to consider an automatic funding of gateway nodes that...