Niki Spahiev
Niki Spahiev
``` @receiver(post_delete, sender=BaseDocItem) # extra registration @receiver(post_delete, sender=MyItem) def handler(sender, instance, **kwa): ... ``` i am using `extra registration` line as workaround
I have working post_save signal handler for MyDoc and MyItem.
So far i never got to C level. I will test with orderset installed.
the size of module.comtypes.gen._3050F1C5_98B5_11CF_BB82_00AA00BDCE0B_0_4_0.c is 310128113
bytecode option is perfect
When Symbol Browser is single window, clicking on tab "Symbol Browser" is required to display all symbols.
Is PyQt or PySide suitable for 1.6 and 1.7? I can provide ~4 line ctypes based message dialog for Windows.
``` py def msg(): from ctypes import windll MBW = windll.user32.MessageBoxW # unicode MBW(0, u'missing runtime', u'flexx', 16) if __name__=='__main__': msg() ```
i have made "delay until clicked" loading with data:text/html ``` from __future__ import division, print_function import sys import yaml H = u'''%(title)s%(title)s''' R = [ ('%', '%25'), # first ('...
On 14.02.24 г. 2:11 ч., Angus Johnson wrote: > OK, I've now had a very good look at this issue - where concave joins > will always lose their Z...