Nihal Gonsalves

Results 4 issues of Nihal Gonsalves

Apollo Federation makes uses of some custom directives: ## Version and Environment Details __Operation system__: macOS __IDE name and version__: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2019.2 __Plugin version__: 2.2.0 ## Expected...


- Version: Safari 14.1.2 (tested on macOS 10.15.7) - URL: The page displays a "Loading..." message on a blank white background, and a few seconds later displays "Failed to...

# fix: support tag.div\`\` and tag(Component)\`\` ## Description The tagged template support from #41 only supported the very basic `` tag`...` `` format, but not formats such as `` tag.div`...`...

```ex iex(1)> JsonWebToken.verify("foobar", %{key: "barbaz"}) ** (RuntimeError) Failed to decode header from JSON (json_web_token) lib/json_web_token/jws.ex:95: JsonWebToken.Jws.header_map/1 (json_web_token) lib/json_web_token/jws.ex:82: JsonWebToken.Jws.validate_alg_matched/2 (json_web_token) lib/json_web_token/jws.ex:77: JsonWebToken.Jws.verify/3 (json_web_token) lib/json_web_token/jwt.ex:89: JsonWebToken.Jwt.verify/2 ``` I would expect that...