I am trying to remove the Mikrotik Queue sync plugin, i have disabled and when i try and delete it says it is running. I cannot get it to disable...
Help please. Just updated my kernel and updated my card drivers now i get TBSECP3 frontend attach failed. I dont know whats going on it says registering and failed on...
Hi. @crazycat69 Do i need do do anything special to pick up channels for symbol rate 30000? I have tried all different transponders and it never works. There are some...
Hello. I have just upgraded with 2 x 6909 and 2 x 6905 With the 6905 I get TBSECP3 frontend 0 attach failed - TBSECP3 frontend 1 attach failed I...
Test channel = Channel 5 using Astra Cesbo Card 6909 Signal = 53% SNR = 50% Card 6905 Signal = 62% SNR = 50% The SNR is the same and...
@JPaulMora Hello. I have bee awake 3 days now trying to get my 750 Ti to work with pyrit and GPU 1: I have tried this I had no...