Dariusz Niespodziany

Results 4 issues of Dariusz Niespodziany

Hi I'm getting KeyError in `pyppeteer.connection in send` here: https://github.com/miyakogi/pyppeteer/blob/dev/pyppeteer/connection.py#L237 Despite the actual reason this is happening (perhaps some ws quirks), what is the rationale behind this code? ``` if...

**Describe the bug** This is an aggregated bug report for a few inconsistencies that I found in `navigator.plugins` evasion. ### Reference mismatch Chromium implementation of `navigator.plugins` array [references single `PluginData`...

issue: bug report
needs triage

**Feature request** To keep this description short. There is a method of Web Speech API `window.speechSynthesis.getVoices` that normally returns list of locally installed and available "voices" online. ```javascript const voices...

issue: proposal

I came across this when I tried to add a custom 2FA backend. The library uses [APISettings from DRF](https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/blob/master/rest_framework/settings.py#L183) as a base class for [TrenchAPISettings](https://github.com/merixstudio/django-trench/blob/master/trench/settings.py#L11): ``` class TrenchAPISettings(APISettings): _FIELD_USER_SETTINGS =...