
Results 8 issues of nielsvd

This PRQ adds a determinant computation for large sparse matrices using the LU decomposition of CSparse. This is useful for e.g., optimal experiment design where the D-optimality criterion involves computing...

Hi Gianluca, I believe [this line]( should be: ``` $) ``` instead of: ``` $) ``` Best, Niels

I believe that it is currently not possible to have one slack variable assigned to soften multiple constraints. I.e., having a recurring index in ``idxs_rev``. If I have this in...

Actuators used in industrial robotic arms typically have a reasonably low inertia, which can be included in the link inertia. However, the actuator inertia has another important effect on the...

## Bug report **Required Info:** - Operating System: - Ubuntu 20.04 - Installation type: - Foxy binaries - Version or commit hash: - ros-foxy-navigation2 0.4.5-1focal.20201210.084248 - DDS implementation: - Fast-RTPS...


In attempting to combine the `ouster_driver` with a SLAM algorithm, it came to my attention that, in the `/scan` topic, there may be a mismatch between: * `msg.angle_min` * `msg.angle_max`...

The C++ class `DefaultSolver` currently doesn't behave well when copied or moved. Based on a quick scan of the C bindings, I don't think it's foreseen to be possible to...

I haven't reached the point where I can test whether this causes any faulty behavior, but I found an inconsistency in the definitions of `ZeroConeT` and `NonNegativeConeT`. See: and...