Would it be possible to add binary sensors to this plug-in? In HomeKit, binary sensors for Air Quality show the current value of a single pollutant under its details and...
Currently the labels assigned to the current air quality are based on US standards. In the EU, the criteria AQI levels are based on values of NO2, PM10, O3 and...
I'd like to use this with a HC-SR501 Motion Sensor built-in (connected to the Pi 0).Would you consider adding support for that? Both in the software as well as an...
Is there an option in the plug-in to hide the rain gauge and the wind sensor? Since they are not supported by default, I'd rather hide them from the home...
As there is not (official) HomeKit support for the Rain gauge at the moment, could you consider adding the option to show a binary moisture sensor for it, to be...
Something I loved about the Synapse 3 version on Windows was the ability to have the devices mimic the colour what is on a specific part of the display. Resulting...
When there is no active zone, the settings for extras are ignored and no switches are added. As soon as I enable one zone, the switches appear as configured under...
Nice to see Issue #11 implemented in v6. Thanks! Since I've already linked Tado straight to HomeKit, I was hoping to only use the humidity sensors. (I'm also using this...
The new (outdoor) Air Quality sensor is greatly appreciated. HomeKit also supports binary air quality sensors, which have options to set-up notifications and can be used as a trigger for...
After updating to v6, I'm not seeing the anyone sensor. I am using the plug-in with only the Anyone sensor, as was implemented under Issue #12 I've tried two configs,...