My workaround for now: ``` def Cancel_symbol_orders(self, client, symbol): orders = client.get_orders(symbol=symbol, status='active')["items"] if(len(orders)>0): for order in orders: if(order['symbol']==symbol): client.cancel_order(order['id']) ```
it is now always at market/allTickers but that is only the case when symbol=None. so move tick_path = 'market/allTickers' into the if and else: tick_path = 'market/orderbook/level1'
Are you sure you used the right keys and passphrase? You didnt swap your sandbox and normal keys?
Hmm this breaks other stuff for me. I'll be back ``` File "/media/rasppi/rasppi/Python/bot/kucoin/", line 1329, in get_fills return self._get('fills', True, data=data) File "/media/rasppi/rasppi/Python/bot/kucoin/", line 193, in _get return self._request('get', path,...
Hmm the one or two before your last fix did work for my cancel orders but get accounts didn't. Now get accounts works but cancel_all_orders not anymore. ``` File "",...
The last fix now works yea! i changed the cancel all so it accepts the optional symbol and without the optional it worked but not with the symbol but your...
** Comment posted to indicate importance and interest of the request. ** I agree with OP. +1