Trying to get the channel4 replay to work based on the thread at Where did you find the vale for the basic auth string? Proxy-Authorization=Basic cDluOGl6YWctcmh3dXl6OTpjamJ5NTZ0dTc5 I have looked...
Thankyou for sharing your code and ideas. I am also out of the uk :( Will try and get it to work
I have based this script on the one from joaopa00 above and addedd in bits to get the access token. the attached script works to watch the channel4 catchup stuff....
Indeed way way way cleaner! thankyou!
[uktvplay.txt]( I can only find the channel IDs after selecting the channel on the web interface
Indeed thankyou @SebMourlhou I will work with that
Submitted pull request for a fix for uktvplay live. Here is the updated file [uktvplay.txt]( blaze catchup dose not work - the info returned by the url is missing...
This version of may still work on older kodi [channel4.txt](