Actually apply the correct filtering function.
Thanks for the great job, ng-admin is very slick. In any case, I've set-up ng-admin 0.7.0 with postgrest according to this demo repo. Creating new entities works fine, but...
Thank you very much for the code. While setting it up for myself, I've collected some improvements on the README, and added a python `requirements.txt` file to make it easier...
A few fixes to enable building on x86_64. Besides the typos, there was a problem in the multicall binary code (`src/vpnserver/vpnserver.c`). On uClibc, `argv[]` should not be modified by the...
## Proposed changes Add a GPU implementation of QR factorization using the blocked Householder reflection algorithm, see: Andrew Kerr, Dan Campbell, Mark Richards, QR Decomposition on GPUs Jan Priessnitz, GPU...