Nicole Gay, PhD
Nicole Gay, PhD
This is still an issue. Package "hashmap" is not found with `Rcpp` version 1.0.9. `devtools::install_github("nathan-russell/hashmap")` also failed for me: ``` > devtools::install_github("nathan-russell/hashmap") Using github PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT Downloading GitHub...
I also got this error using `mash_1by1`. Increasing `maxiter.sqp` to 10,000 still did not resolve the problem. Should I just keep increasing `maxiter`, or is this some indication that there's...
Yes, I just removed and re-installed `mixsqp` to make sure. There are a lot of missing values in my input because of genes only expressed in one of the 5...
@stephens999 definitely! Here is my data and the code that was throwing the errors. Please let me know if anything is unclear. Thank you! [](
@stephens999 replacing NAs with 0 effect/large stderr and increasing `numiter.em` solved both of those problems! Thank you very much for looking into this!
@stephens999 Removing and reinstalling `ashr` with `install_github("stephens999/ashr")` optimization failed to converge with `m.1by1 = mash_1by1(data.V)` (`ashr_2.2-41`). I replaced the missing values as before. My input data are DESeq2 logFCs and...
@stephens999 thank you for pointing me to that. I think the correlation structure I have is more complex than the default behavior that the "common baseline" approach allows, but that...
Thank you very much for your responsiveness!
#544 has some details that may be helpful