Nicolas Torzec
Nicolas Torzec
Quickly: - Subclassing would work, though I'm not sure that's the best solution here. - Most Event subtypes don't have any specific property and are not disjoint. - They are...
**First look and comments:** - The new, more specific, definition for [NewsArticle]( makes sense :) - It looks like [NewsArticle]('s subclasses were designed for tagging purpose since they don't have...
Thanks for the fixes and comments @danbri and @tmarshbing Addressing remaining open points below... ## Re: breaking News vs. other types of news articles I'm fine with using the base...
I think we all understand the benefit of having a specific property such as `workedAt` for representing past employments. At the same time `Role` already exists for representing affiliations in...
Initial thoughts. **RE subtyping *Offer*:** I understand the benefits of making simple things simple but beginning to subtype *Offer* based on the specific items being offered is slippery slope: it's...
Summarizing discussions that happened via emails and mailing lists below. Goal: - Krzysztof's goal is to "make legal/law decision trees crawlable and understandable for machines using a set standard (i.e....
Food items should have a basic set of attributes: e.g. name(s), type, nutrition facts, allergy/warning information, origin, etc. It should be possible to associate food to recipes, which make them...