Nicolas Gramlich
Nicolas Gramlich
It's already there:
Please provide more info.
Hm, what device / os version are you on?
What thread are you from this from?
Hey, does this comply with the TMX specs? Thanks, Nicolas
It's really quite annoying having to change the folder of my Xcode project before every Unity build and then change it back to have no spaces to complete the build...
> I Solved. > If you are building with Unity3D. > **Modify it like this:** > Open {Your XCode Project Dir}/Pods/Fabric/run file. > In 49 line. > `ARGUMENTS="$API_KEY_ARG $BUILD_SECRET_ARG $@"`...
If anyone wants to put this in a script to fix it (because the file gets overwritten every time you build from Unity): ``` sed -i '' "s/ARGUMENTS\=\"\$API_KEY_ARG \$BUILD_SECRET_ARG \$@\"/ARGUMENTS\=\"\$API_KEY_ARG...
I run it in the terminal after every iOS build from Unity. Luckily this only happens every so often and isn't annoying enough yet for me to find a place...