
Results 6 comments of Nicolas

Answers: 1. "Sometimes it just don't start collection at all." I'm surprised. Don't expect data to be collected on a regular basis if you are in the same radius. The...

You can turn off your GSM signal (flying mode) to force the app to store the location point in the queue. Nicolas Le mer. 11 mai 2022 à 09:11, Bastian...

> If I plug it in, it jumps from false to true. Wouldn't that mean that true = charging and false = unplugged ? yes, maybe a misunderstanding when I...

I just asked the team that manages the react-native-background-geolocation API, it seems that we can't introduce logic in the locationTemplate. I need to figure out how to hack it.

if you switch the audio notifications in the panel settings, you'll hear the activity changes. I can add color of string to notify the activity change... it's an idea. Let...