The Cluster External Secret is a component added recently (~2 months ago?) on the external secret operator, so i guess it's not yet supported by Argo. Any idea when this...
Can someone look at this ? CES using namespace selector with matching expression + In operator + multiple values will be fixed (https://github.com/external-secrets/external-secrets/issues/1155) and released within a week. Please update...
@crenshaw-dev If ArgoCD constructs the tree based on `metadata.ownerReferences`, then why it can build a tree for an application including a configuration map even when such object has no `metadata.ownerReferences`...
Also it looks like the environment variable DD_TRACE_DISABLED_PLUGINS to specifically disabled some plugins is completely ignored by the newest versions.. How to suddenly explodes the counter of billed traces on...
Hi, Erf, i was interested in moving on AxonIQ, especially now that there is a cloud offer. But i'm now using 100% Quarkus in place of Spring boot so if...
Is it possible to get this fixed ?
Is this issue still not fixed ? HA is already not really HA but just fallback, but if it is actually provoking the situation it tends to fix.. kind of...
@juliev0 Thank you. So the root issue is not really fixed, but an alternative using Kubernetes Leader Election can be used instead. Got it, will think about using it if...
The ApplicationSet example of the git-generator-directory is a good example to reproduce this bug Adding `spec.destination.namespace` does not change anything. https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/tree/master/applicationset/examples/git-generator-directory You just have to add the namespace restrictions to...