
Results 59 comments of nicolaasjan

> Essentially, I ran a beta version of on _main-blacklist.txt_, and its output indicates that 4,439 (±100) of its domains are dead or unavailable. I think by now we...

Same here in Linux Mint 19.3...

> There was a fork by another user ( that used raw FFMpeg command but he never proposed a merge and right now the fork is outdated. This repo is...

> I have clarified this in the README, together with some examples. This issue can be closed if it is all clear on your side @nicolaasjan > > Thanks!...

> would you prefer the track number to be assigned arbitrarily by the script or to be pulled from the .txt file? > > In your case, do you want...

> @nicolaasjan I have updated the tool to include the track number on the filenames now. Sorry it took a while :) 👍️❤️ However, the ` - `'s in the...

> In terms of yt-dlp, pip will fetch the latest stable version on, if you want always want to use `master` you can replace `yt-dlp` in `setup.cfg` with `git+`....

I can confirm that this issue is now resolved with [f4e4be1]( :) ![screenshot1](

I'm so sorry for the confusion... Please forgive me.

Upstream uBlock has already received a pull request: