Is there any update on using the new parameter server based implementation of Word2vec? Can anyone share a working example ? Thanks
Thanks for the prompt reply. Is the ‘old implementation’ still the recommended way of running word2vec on spark ? Any advice on this ?
Hi @namitk, is there any update on this issue? I tried to reimplement `TopNQueue` using java.util.PriorityQueue but still got Serialization issues. You can see the gist: ``` 18/10/04 07:48:59...
@oscaroboto thanks for following up on this. I believe the issue is in which takes as input an `Iterator[Array[mutable.ArrayBuffer[ItemId]]]` which is not serializable. @namitk what are your thoughts on...
@oscaroboto @Itfly would be great if you could open a PR with the fix