☺ Nico
☺ Nico
Thank you @amrrbakry for creating this issue. Came here looking for this. Was very confused about messages going to a completely different channel than I was providing as a parameter....
@tam-vo did you find any good alternatives?
@OlegSmelov thank you for the links about openssl configuration. I had a similar issue in MacOS. Invoker would crash with a Bus Error and a stack trace (see screenshot below)....
It might be. However, I want to avoid requiring a mouse, and with only the keyboard, buttons sometimes are hard to navigate Also, the current tui library used in the...
Slowly chipping at this * There's more content now, including the Updates section * The `README` is up to date with the latest changes * Just added an explanation about...
Here's a working test: ```python3 @patch('menu.curses') @patch('menu.os.getenv') def test_displaying_resume(self, mock_getenv, mock_curses): # Mock environment variables mock_getenv.side_effect = lambda x: {'OPENAI_API_KEY': 'test_key', 'BASE_RESUME_PATH': 'temp_test_resume.txt', 'HN_START_URL': 'test_url', 'COMMANDJOBS_LISTINGS_PER_BATCH': '10', 'OPENAI_GPT_MODEL': 'gpt-3.5'}.get(x, None)...
First test: https://github.com/nicobrenner/commandjobs/pull/40 * ~~For pasting text~~ (for pasting/saving through Edit/Paste)
Hey @aaryamantriescode, it would be great if you could write any of the tests from the list above You can check this one here for reference: https://github.com/nicobrenner/commandjobs/blob/master/src/test_menu.py You can run...
@aaryamantriescode for sure, created a specific issue for it, hopefully there's enough guidance there: https://github.com/nicobrenner/commandjobs/issues/48
As suggested here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39624542 and here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39692590 Add support for scraping workdays' career portals, eg (from: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39692590) Here's some with tech jobs listed: https://workday.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/Workday https://shipt.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Shipt_External It doesn't seem like there's...