
Results 8 issues of niclasmattsson

I consistently get a segfault when trying to call `readtable()` as below. The file used can be [downloaded here]( It's the second url in the Download section, the one called...

Originally posted at discourse, full text below including test code and links to sample data. I opened the issue here because visr suggested the problem might be in GDAL.jl instead...

This is partially the same issue as #4129, but I'm creating a new issue with a more descriptive title, more info on the problem including some version bisecting and a...


The introduction of the convenience macro @variable a few months ago was somewhat inconvenient for me since it clashes with the same macro in JuMP, resulting in `WARNING: both Polynomials...

A colleague and I were baffled today when some machine learning training code crashed with a NonExistentTimeError. Here's an MWE: ```julia julia> ZonedDateTime(DateTime(1982,1,1,0), tz"Europe/Gibraltar") ERROR: NonExistentTimeError: Local DateTime 1982-01-01T00:00:00 does...

This is an upstream problem in ArchGDAL but I'm opening it here (since this package seems to be aimed at making ArchGDAL's weird pointer-based types friendlier to work with). Here's...

See Supposedly (see the thread) WebP support is included in the ImageMagick v7 binary, so maybe the solution is to upgrade? Ref #69.

Just trying out Fzf for the first time. Works great!! However... Wasn't sure how to escape the fuzzy search mode without selecting a line so I tried Ctrl+C, which crashed...