Niclas Hoyer

Results 25 comments of Niclas Hoyer

Yes, we already have some translations for popular modules like `Amasty_Cart` oder `Amasty_GdprCookie` which should be separated. I think we'd need to extend `check_new.php` to recognize this, as Magento will...

I think it is discouraged by composer/packagist, a workaround may be to just have repositories as package-placeholders that this repo pushes into. Or maybe it is possible to release in...

Thanks for the review! I think the number entry has a bug, I'll need to check that again. I'm happy with renaming. I think I can get this ready before...

@joeycastillo I fixed the issues. Can you please add your changes for `mul` again? I accidentally force pushed and now they are gone 🙈 > There are a couple of...

@joeycastillo yes it seems that this is a bug. `ALARM` should just increase the digit and wrap back to 0. But I did not came up with a really good...