Niclas Hoyer

Results 25 comments of Niclas Hoyer

Using const generics to handle the conversions at compile time seems very compelling. I'll give that a shot.

Regarding the line endings, I'm with you, as long as the Qt program and the avr firmware use the same character it shouldn't matter. I did not understand it either,...

@QuinTeknoLife @Larswad I got this working yesterday on a Teensy 2.0 that I used as a cheap ZoomFloppy before. Might be easily portable to the Teensy 2.0++. I had several...

How is the status of this issue? Is it now possible to run B2G on a i1900G? If so, can someone post instructions on how to do it? Maybe we...

@wryun I'll be honest here. I don't think the guess number like input is very comfortable 😅 But as I said in #111 this might all come down to personal...

@wryun I'll check that out! I think some kind of weirdness will always be there, as the input and output capabilities are so limited. I think that may be personal...

@wryun wow this is so great! Yes! Do you maybe want to opensource this?

Just ran into this exact problem, I used `knex.raw('VALUES (?,?)', ['foo', 42])` and that did not work. Using `knex.raw('VALUES (?,?::numeric)', ['foo', 42])` as a workaround.

I know, please see The problem is that Emoji One switched to a non-free license (not creative commons anymore) and as such an upgrade to 3.x is not compatible...

Thank you for reporting. I can reproduce the error. It seems that grunt-multiresize is not compatible with the latest grunt version. I don't yet have a solution for that.