Nick Tobolski

Results 7 comments of Nick Tobolski

Also having this issue exactly. Wasted too many hours try to fix/work around it.

@adennis I encountered this issue but, sadly, your transform: translate3d(0,0,0); fix didn't work for me. Any ideas @olivertappin @adennis @simonwidjaja ?

Eureka! I had to apply that to all of the child elements explicitly.

This is still an issue for me. It's disappearing at the bottom of my containing element in chrome 55 on OS X. My sticky element is tall-ish (height:651px;). @zachleat Is...

Any available workarounds for this? Or is a bugfix on the horizon? Still seeing this in `^9.22.5`:

I'm running into the same issue on ubuntu 17.10 and node 8.10.0.