Nicholas Russo
Nicholas Russo
#### Brief summary of issue / Description of requested feature: When importing a standalone alias (not a folder of them), mudlet counts this as a "package". If the package is...
NXOS shown below. Likely true on XR as well. First neighbor has been up for 1 day and the format is markedly different than the double-colon notation. ```S# sh ip...
On SPAUTO blueprint
unsure if this is due to the custom macro or something in the invocation ``` [173] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 346--347 ```
Consider another version of `run_checks()` with `http_method` instead of `netmiko_send_command`. This would avoid using SSH and interact with the REST API instead. Need to research whether `packet-tracer` commands are supported...
Should describe `install` Makefile target