Nick McCurdy

Results 345 comments of Nick McCurdy

Is there a chance we could get Vite listed under "The React team primarily recommends these solutions" alongside `create-react-app`? It has a lot of overlap with CRA's use case so...

@leerob Hi, was closing this intentional?

👍 For adding to readme. Is there any advantage to any specific coverage format? Which file in `coverage` should we pipe into `coveralls` if we add it to the readme?...

Personally I like to set `"jest": { "collectCoverage": true }` in `package.json` to enable coverage reporting everywhere, add coveralls as a `devDependency`, and have CI run `coveralls < coverage/`.

I don't think that's the case. Assuming that the other technique is to `npm install coveralls` in CI after a build, it would still install the package to `node_modules` with...

Yes, but you can still use `jest --coverage` in your build script even though the config option isn't supported.

Could we use `preferred-pm` to set a default when `packageManager` isn't used, with its result being overridden by an explicit `corepack elect`? This would make the default logic more consistent...

I'm using the `.desktop` files in `/usr/share/xsessions`, and I have a `.xprofile` file that I want to load my startup items in (for all my graphical sessions). I've noticed that...

@raphael-proust I think he was talking about adding the WM's command to the cdmrc, instead of starting it from the .xinitrc. It would be nice if CDM had an option...