
Results 3 issues of nick

### I found that overlayfs can't mount the right directory. so that all data which users modified was lost. ``` OK: overlayfs:/overlay on / type overlay (rw,noatime,lowerdir=/,upperdir=/overlay/upper,workdir=/overlay/work) NG: overlayfs:/tmp/root on...

请教一个问题: 例如,一个只有开关属性的灯, 1. **设备端**定义属性名称为: switch 2. **云端**设备描述使用的是"type": "urn:miot-spec-v2:property:on:00000006:philips-moonlight:1" 3. **App端**使用https请求 GET /api/v1/properties?pid=AAAD.1.1,AAAD.2.3 其中App和云端通过www.miot-spec.org规范定义,相互转化是比较明确且容易实现的. **请问 设备端属性 "prop":"switch" 和云端 "type": "urn:miot-spec-v2:property:on ....." 是 如何对应转换的了?**

9. EID (Event ID) 而不应该是 9. EID (Action ID)