Nick Iaconis

Results 13 comments of Nick Iaconis

What if popups were componentized as compositional components: ``` handlebars {{#ember-leaflet}} {{tile-layer tileUrl="//{z}/{x}/{y}.png"}} {{#container-layer}} {{#each enabledLocations as |location|}} {{#marker-layer location=location.location}} {{#marker-popup}} Some HTML content goes here, potentially including {{boundProperties}} or...

Yep, I remember that. Basically, it solves this case with very little "heavy lifting" on EmberLeaflet's side. Plus it looks a lot cleaner and is generally more flexible than something...

Is this in regards to the `childLayers` property that consumers set on their `MapView`? Let's take one of the simpler examples from the gh-pages: ``` CustomTilesApp = Ember.Application.create(); CustomTilesApp.TileLayer =...

Can this be made available via the "safe" version as well?

@stefanpenner @rwjblue I'd like to get your opinions on this

My intention is actually the exact opposite: to disallow/discourage transitions during prefetch. Sorry for the confusion @stefanpenner. Maybe including some specific examples in the description would have helped drive that...

Have you tried using [`this.paramsFor('student').student_id`]( to retrieve the `student_id` parameter? I'm not familiar with accessing other routes' dynamic segments via the transition object, but I have a feeling it's not...

I wonder if the `serialize` method is run before or after the `prefetch` hook. This is definitely something I haven't looking into before, so might need some change to support.

It looks like there are already a few issues filed for this, at least the top three in [a search for "justify-content"]( as of writing. Interesting discovery about the same...

Also, here's another workaround that I found on a comment to one of those Blink tickets: If the desired override is `justify-content: flex-start;`, which does not work, then `justify-content:...