Nick Hingston
Nick Hingston
seems to be to do with cordova platform add adding "git+" to the repo specs. if you remove that from both your config.xml and package.json - it works...(but they are...
I chose to do it like this cos thats how the popular does it… didn't like the “needsclick” name tho! but its your repo :) > On 9 Oct...
i still need the click event to fire….so prevent default is not an option... > On 9 Oct 2017, at 09:37, Jake wrote: > > I believe if you call...
so with my fix and adding the no-fastclick class to the input the following now works as intended: ``` { this.fileInput = ref; }} /> ```
@simonro bb a question to ask yourself is why the library is needed at all. From iOS 8 and >2014 versions of Android, it should not be necessary. My reason...
also if container view is display: flex...
Closing old...
For anyone else, I solved this problem using and adding this to the up method: ``` async function up () { const cursor = MyModel.find().cursor() // same transform as...
The version of nodejs doesn't support EMCAScript modules So either: - upgrade to node 14+ - run with ```node --experimental-modules``` node 8.9.0 + - use require as Chris suggested -...