Cyrill N Kalita
Cyrill N Kalita
Is the support for [Alpine 3.0]( planned?
This is from PowerJoinClause:136:143 ```php public function where($column, $operator = null, $value = null, $boolean = 'and') { if ($this->alias && is_string($column) && Str::contains($column, $this->tableName)) { $column = str_replace("{$this->tableName}.", "{$this->alias}.",...
Guzzle has pushed out [version 7](; however larvel-url-shortener is locked at `^6.2` Solution: Upgrade dependency
Update dependencies to allow for Laravel 8
I know the API changed dramatically for the intervention/image:^3.0 Shall we commence the work to identify all necessary changes to bring it up to speed?