I think I found root of problem - it seems to be openblas specific and can't be done in other way, than pkg-config: Not sure, wether this problem appears...
This works too.
gawk doesn't complain about `-Wi` itself, but this breaks arguments understanding, so last part is understood as file rather than program text before file. What's interesting - `stdbuf` is expected...
Second was in P.S.)
skippy-xd works
There is another issue - #34, which may be just another case of same problem.
Found this issue: Looks like all luxcorerender is broken by boost upgrade, at least for me it fails to find all boost libs. What's interesting, when built by ebuild...
In attempt for next upgrade iteration I found pygtk masked. Will it be preserved for older software still in original proaudio? I'm probably to try eventually some porting for specmatch,...