Nicholas Lawson
Nicholas Lawson
This is certainly not intended, and also, not entirely sure why it wouldn't just work. (but it doesn't). Even if the folder that all the Qt dlls are, are in...
Whats super weird is that its looking for the (real) qt widgets libraries but _ignoring the path_ The below is a capture for what files python is trying to open,...
huh. ``` >>> os.add_dll_directory(r'd:\o3de_repos\o3de\build\windows_vs2019\bin\profile') >>> import PySide2.QtCore >>> import PySide2.QtWidgets ``` From the python docs > New in version 3.8: Previous versions of CPython would resolve DLLs using the default...
So it works in editor.exe because editor.exe has Qt*.dll in its folder. It does not work for python.exe becuase python.exe does not have Qt*.dll in its folder but it can...
Any idea what's actually going on here? a compiler bug maybe? This error in particular: ``` ../Code/Framework/AzCore\AzCore/Component/Component.h:478:113: note: expanded from macro 'AZ_COMPONENT_IMPL_WITH_ALLOCATOR' AZ_RTTI_NO_TYPE_INFO_IMPL(_ComponentClassOrTemplate, __VA_ARGS__ AZ_VA_OPT(AZ_COMMA_SEPARATOR, __VA_ARGS__) AZ::Component) \ ``` Notice...
I guess my question here was, this code appears in game project templates (as in, the templates folder in o3de, not templates as in c++ templates), so that even if...
I like the solution given but dealing with validator errors is going to be a pain. One option to get around it is to try and get an exception for...
This also occurs on linux.
I can repro this with latest on linux. What appears to be happening is that the editor sends a request to AssetProcessor to actually perform the operation (move, delete, etc)...
OK, can confirm, what's going on here is that AP thinks that P4 is enabled, but its configuration is invalid. It looks like the source control component only goes into...