Nick Disiere
Nick Disiere
This is probably unhelpful, but I did get far enough with Tasmota to get positional data to report when pressing the physical buttons. However, no response from any of the...
I've found the issue you posted in the Tasmota tracker. Looks like a simple solution, but I can't find an easy way to test it without being able having to...
I've got a dev environment set up, but the new checksum is calculated differently. If someone can sniff a 0 and 100 I can hardcode those, or if someone can...
I am on Yakkety and was experiencing the same errors. Manually installing libgnutls28-dev and the relevant dependencies from the Zesty repo via let me compile successfully. Be sure to...
I've confirmed this solution works on the aliexpress yh002-a as well. It persists through power cycling and even an esphome reflash. That's maddening, but thank you, Pauly