### Terraform CLI and Provider Versions 1.6.5 ### Terraform Configuration ```terraform Going from: resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "gcs_integration_grants" { for_each = toset(var.names) privileges = ["USAGE"] account_role_name = snowflake_role.snowflake_tenant_roles[each.key].name on_account_object { object_type =...
### Terraform CLI and Provider Versions ```terraform Error: 001423 (22023): SQL compilation error: invalid property 'QUERY_ACCELERATION_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR'; feature 'Query Acceleration Service' not enabled with module.snowflake_resources.snowflake_warehouse.tenant_warehouses["warehouse_name"] on modules/snowflake-user-resources/ line 267, in resource...
Hello! I am trying to read a csv stored in a remote s3 bucket with a / in the name, like this: `'s3://mybucket/path/7/update//nicktorba.part_00000'` When i run this code, I get...
### Terraform CLI and Provider Versions Terraform Cloud, terraform v1.6.5 snowflake-tf-provider v0.87.2 ### Terraform Configuration ```terraform resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "tenant_warehouses_grants" { privileges = ["USAGE", "MONITOR", "OPERATE", "MODIFY"] account_role_name = "MY_ROLE_NAME" on_account_object...