Nicholas Clark
Nicholas Clark
The {`mgcv`} equivalent is very useful, though not widely known about: Things to cover 1. How to compare models using `loo_compare()` and `lfo_cv()` ([`loo` less reliable for models with...
Would likely require methods for: - [ ] `vcov()` with same arguments as `vcov.gam()` - [ ] update `get_vcov()` to return the Bayesian covariance matrix; shouldn't impact `marginaleffects` functionality -...
Right now autoregressive and trend variance parameters are 'hierarchical', but the hyperparameters are are fixed (i.e. `ar1 ~ normal(0, 0.5)`). It would be useful to allow options to learn these...
PSIS-LOO can be used to generated weighted expectations and predictions, valuable for asking what predictions we would get if high-leverage "outliers" were downweighted:
- Matern covariance functions for GP effects / trends - 2d FFT GPs (or even 1d) for complex but stationary GP effects ( - Multivariate normal observation models - Move...
Incorporating bounds on fixed effect priors can be done using the truncation syntax i.e. ```b[1] ~ normal(0, 1)T[0, ]``` This would require checks on inits to ensure they respect the...
Various areas throughout the package will fail if a matrix with only one row or column is subset (very annoying!). Need to use `drop = FALSE`
Many time series show multiplicative effects, such as seasonality that changes as the underlying level changes. These are easily captured in GAMs using a tensor product (i.e. `te(time, season)`), but...
All fitted models should have a non-null `priors` slot with whatever prior distributions were used. This will make it easy to compare prior and posterior draws, for example
In `mgcv`, the predict function allows certain terms to be omitted. Should be able to include this in `mvgam` by finding the coefficients associated with excluded terms and setting their...