We tried commenting out all the lines where fatal error occurred and it works out. Then we went and checked the camera settings in spinview and found that some valuables...
we find it work if commenting out those lines throwing errors but in this way we cannot set the camera to color mode nor we can set acquisition rate to...
@shahvi This leads to a former question -> we find some variables in spinview are locked(cannot be changed or not in a correct operation?) So are there any relations between...
Got it! Are there any methods to unlock them in SpinView? There are lots of important variables we wanna reset.
1. color as our camera Grasshopper3 GS3-U3-123S6C support the color mode 2. acquisition frame rate to 20 or more as the rate the driver grab the image with fps 5...
more details below: > Traceback (most recent call last): File "./scripts/", line 344, in main() File "./scripts/", line 293, in main loss, miou = train(opt, train_loader, m, criterion, optimizer, writer)...
btw please tell me if you need more details, I'll response as soon as possible.
@zengyao1999 Glad to see your reply and share my training process with you, As my dataset format is same as coco->yolo format, I did only update almost all params related...
@zengyao1999 Thanks for your advice! I guess the labels in my single-class dataset are OK because I checked the training_batch*.jpg where keypoints and skeletons were correctly visualized. Btw I tried...
@zengyao1999 Great thanks! I have checked the predicted results after training before the server didn't work, it's interesting to find that some points(1 or 2/12) were predicted correctly while other...