Nicolas Dextraze
Nicolas Dextraze
I found a way to reproduce this. For some reason when using expected version any and using an eventId that exists in the target stream and also exists in another...
Ok then I guess I'm more trying to understand why the first test (with eventid only in one stream) always pass (idempotency works even if disabled with any) and the...
I re-read the documentation. "Any" disables the optimistic concurrency check not the idempotency check which is diffent. There's a note saying that idempotency is not guaranteed, but it also says...
Still not answering the question. Given these two tests: Test 1 Save eventId 1 to stream A - Success: nextExpectedVersion = 0 Save eventId 1 to stream A - Success:...
Seriously this is getting ridiculous. It's like I'm speaking an alien language. I'm out. @iRatkin up to you to explain.
yes eventId is the uuid associated with the event. The first parameter in the new EventData constructor
Which version of EventStore are you using, the client might not be compatible with the latest 20.6.0, the 0.2.x client was tested with EventStore 4.x and 5.x.
I don't use typescript much, this is why the definitions are not well tested and incomplete. It would help a lot if someone could provide a PR for this.
Did you disable autoAck on the persistent subscription? By default persistent subscription are automatically acknowledge, so that would explain the behavior. Use false as the last parameters in connectToPersistentSubscription(stream, groupName,...
I don't use typescript this was added to fix #73. If you guys figure it out let me know or provide a PR. Thanks