Updating questasim from 2020.1_1 to 2022.4_2 breakes the test 'tb_uart_lib.tb_uart_rx.test_receives_one_byte': ``` # 73810000 ps - check - ERROR - Got 1110_1110 (238). Expected 0111_0111 (119). ``` And I expect many...
Implementation of the parity bit (none, even, odd, mark, space) in the uart VCs. - Adds a parity_mode in the uart_master_t and uart_slave_t records [(uart_pkg.vhd).]( - [uart_master.vhd]( sends the parity...
Parity bit. The constructors accept a parity argument with an enum specifying the parity mode: none, even, odd, mark, or space. Note: this includes PR, as I needed those...
Thanks for the code! Just a couple of things: - UartSource write() is not blocking but calls write_nowait() - The description of idle() in the should have 'and' instead...