Thank you. This should be fixed in version 0.17.6.
Hello, I think this should be something which you will have to add outside of Bloben. App container by default doesn't have certification included. For self signing something like this...
Added in 0.17.0
Hi, this is interesting and I was thinking about adding something later. There is also authentic, which seems quite popular too.
When I checked this, I was not able to replicate bug. But maybe I am missing some step. If you will have time, could you please write step by step...
Hi, queries are handle by library tsdav. I think for this request it uses method fetchCalendarObjects, which has options for filters although they are not used here. I am...
Yes, hope it will be more optimized in the future. At first, syncing was on demand outside predefined range (f.e. few months). But this would still require some thoughts how...
I was not able to replicate it, it saves all words for me. Are you on latest version? Does it have same effect in other fields like title, location? Might...
Hello, no, there is none at this time, as I never thought it could be useful for this project. Do you intent to use only server part for something?
Currently there is no option for translations. Although core calendar part has translations, other user interfaces (like settings, event menu, et.c) don't. I am not saying it won't be translated/translatable,...