Stephen Collins

Results 22 comments of Stephen Collins

No I need specifically to be able to pass any string value at all. I'll update the sandbox shortly to reflect when I'm actually doing in my app, but the...

I've updated the sandbox. No, that link doesn't help, unfortunately because I'm not using FormData, I need to just pass a string.

> Are you using nvm? I had the same problem and as suggested at [#138 (comment)]( `nvm unalias default` fixed it. > > There is a script that searches for...

I don't know what this failure in Travis means. Any guidance there?

> > > On another note, would you mind adding a test case for this new property? 🙇‍♂️ Actually, I see no existing tests that address the functions in the...

Same issue; I can't get my app to run at all with this issue. In my case it's followed by ``` ERROR TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'NativeUnimoduleProxy.viewManagersNames')...

Do we need to have full support for the new architecture in order to update the dependencies to allow React 18? I can't upgrade to RN 0.69 because I depend...

I did notice, however, that there is an unmaintained lib dependency that also requires older React. :(

Also on a 1660 Ti and only getting plain green images.

Same; two errors. for debug build (`npx react-native run-android`): ``` > Task :ReactAndroid:hermes-engine:buildCMakeRelease[arm64-v8a][libhermes] FAILED C/C++: ninja: error: 'D:/git/random/MyApp/node_modules/react-native/ReactAndroid/hermes-engine/build/hermes/bin/Release/hermesc.exe', needed by 'lib/InternalBytecode/InternalBytecode.hbc', missing and no known rule to make it ```...