Ivan Samokhin
Ivan Samokhin
Hi guys! I encounter this problem on Poco X3 NFC and Poco F1. Following @luksus42 idea - i wrote little script: ``` while true do status=$(pacmd list-source-outputs | awk 'NR...
> Thanks for your help. Can you please detail a little more in steps the procedure to test? What to do and when to do it? Hi! Open terminal app...
> > @stanwood77 maybe we could change the issue topic name to **The microphone does not work after a call except for calls** ? > > I changed the title...
Thanks for feedback! > Is the script supposed to fix the mic issue on the camera and other apps ? Yes. To be clear - my solution is merely are...
Hi @stanwood77 First check if job running: `status check-audio` Also check if dbus-monitor is working `ps -A | grep dbus-monitor` And please provide output of `pacmd list-sources` I think Vollaphone...
Upstart indicates job not started, something must be wrong. Double check script content - notice what first line must be `#!/bin/bash` Double check all file paths with `ls ` On...
На Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:18:06 -0700, Steve писал: > First line of the script is: > ` > cat sound-script.sh` > > Exactly as described on your tutorial. >...
Sure thing here is my codeplugs: [Codeplug.zip](https://github.com/sergev/dmrconfig/files/3429896/Codeplug.zip) First my radio work in simplex mode. Second there is something treaky about my particular model, because sticker on the back says it...
> Here is what I found on RadioReference forums Thank you for point it out!! An additional info really helps me to understand how it works. > compatibility issues Oh...
Hi @gibcheesepuffs ! I encounter this issue on Poco X3 NFC in dev branch. Quick digging in source code [here](https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/lomiri-system-settings/-/blob/main/plugins/battery/PageComponent.qml#L252) and [here](https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/lomiri-system-settings/-/blob/main/plugins/battery/battery.h) pointing at upower daemon. For some reason daemon...