Noah Hoffman
Noah Hoffman
This is sort of a half-baked thought at this point, but it has occurred to me that much information is lost when selecting representative reference sequences to include in a...
In the examples below, I created a data set that either underwent "real" deduplication (using or "fake" deduplication using this script: ``` #!/usr/bin/env python """ Usage seqmagick extract-ids seqs.fasta...
Not a big deal, but now it causes an error - I'd have expected it to just make the directory. ``` % guppy --version v1.1.alpha14-96-g0d3d3e7 % guppy lpca output/redup.jplace.gz:output/specimen_map.csv -c...
I've noticed a reproducible artifact in which the mode line is duplicated when I exit a hydra either with a key not represented in the hydra definition, or after an...
Hi there - I am looking into parsing laboratory test results (unfortunately results are often received as pdfs), and performance seems to be great except in a very specific context:...