1.This code snippet does not seem to be working. Im still able to delete ec2 instance of 60days old. ###################### ``` EC2Instance: - property: dateOlderThan value: "time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -90d)" ```...
1. Does property "dateOlderThan" support for all of the resource types nuke supports? $ bin/aws-nuke-mac resource-types | wc -l 373 2. I got the references for the random code snippet...
By the way, this condition does not work. It is deleting resources older than 90 days as well. I tried with negative number as well ( eg: -2160h ) ```...
Can you provide a syntax for the cleaning up EC2 instances that are 30 days or older. Does it work with other EC2 conditions in place as well?
1. This code snippet does not seem to be working. Im still able to delete ec2 instance of 60days old. ###################### ``` EC2Instance: - property: dateOlderThan value: "time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -90d)"...
May i know what will be appetite to get this prioritized. This will be a fantastic feature if you can get this rolling.