Hi, Could you please teel me How to extract distance from camera to object? Thank you.
Hi, I have a Caffe model and I converted to Keras model (Caffe - IR - Keras) but when testing with same input, the Keras model gave different output value...
Hi, Thank for your code: I would like to ask about function generate_2d_guassian() I call the function with params: hm = generate_2d_guassian(10, 10, 0, 0) The result is: [[ 0....
Hi, I got this error when building for Xavier. Could you please help. Thank you. [ 1%] Built target rosidl_generator_py_custom__cpp [ 16%] Built target rosidl_generator_py_custom__rosidl_generator_c [ 31%] Built target rosidl_generator_py_custom__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp...