
Results 8 comments of nguyenthai0107

Hello everyone. Is this PR still process ? thanks.

Hello @vimal701 I also facing with same issue, when define some pod inside cluster and curl, it look worked fine, with status 200. But when curl outside cluster, and it...

Hello @red8888 Do you found a way that can deploy isvc without Istio ( knative-local-gateway, service istio-ingressgateway,... ) ? im looking for use ISVC with Nginx Ingress but no hope....

Hello @gabbler97 Where did you get helm chart for knative operator ? Is that came from [knative-opẻator]( ? Thanks

Hello @gabbler97 Can i know how exactly you installed knative-operator by helm ? I mean is there anyway to install on publish repo helm such as "[Artifact Hub](" ( use...

hello @gabbler97 thank you for your reply. I mean that is there anyway to install knative operator without OLM. The link you sent to me should install OLM, and then...

Hello @m934030039 Have a nice day. Just a question for you with your cluster cassandra. So when run backup. did you run backups on 3 seeds hosts or just only...