here is the same problem and the same clang version as you.
Thank you for your response, and I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond. I have noticed the regx pattern you are talking about, please forgive me for neglecting to...
我很抱歉重新打开了这个问题,我发现了我遗漏了一点,即: 在 regx 模式下的匹配结果,是否能依据当前光标所在行号开始进行向下排序
> 我很抱歉重新打开了这个问题,我发现了我遗漏了一点,即: 在 regx 模式下的匹配结果,是否能依据当前光标所在行号开始进行向下排序 例如,aaa 匹配串分别在 100 行和 500 行各有一例,假设当前光标所在行为 490 上,那么匹配结果应当把 500 行的结果放在首位,100 行次之
> 本身就是以行号排序的,只不过是按照从小到大的顺序。 感谢您的回复 是的,现在这款插件其实已经非常的完美了,如果硬要在鸡蛋里头挑骨头,还是有一点小小的建议,如果这个排序次序,能够以当前光标所在行为基准进行向下排序那就更好了
> 都没 请问下是咋好的...我也是一直在无限崩溃
Hey guy, Is there any solution to fix this? I still have this problem here
Is there anything else going on here?🤔
Thank you for your response. Well, I'm going to have some quirks with the configuration, which makes me have to unmap these by some other _way_.
I apologize for not keeping up with this issue @fredizzimo! I am in the process of testing version 13.1 as per your instructions. Please allow me a few days to...