
Results 14 comments of ngochiencse

@sathamkhussain No, I have to write my own SwiftUI wrapper for FSPagerView in the mean time. You can check this repo: For more detail check my post:

I have tried Swift Package Manager and it works fine. Could you list me steps you use the reproduce the bug?

Hi, at the first time loading the parallax header is expand so progress = 1 is correct. Moreover, at the first time loading the scrollview has to layout its content...

I can't reproduce the bug. Could you send me sample project?

But it returns more than 1 in the first time. => this is because when we set parallax header's height and minimumHeight the contentOffset of the scrollview is not updated...

Currently Cocoadocs has been no longer working. Do you have any alternative suggestion?

I also encounter this issue just like @Tvde1

@kevinweaver Hi, I encounter this problem too so I have created a minimal demo for this issue here: Note: In this demo I use node 16.

Hi I have fork your repo into swift version: HPParallaxHeader. Hope this could help: