
Results 5 comments of Nghia

It would be also handy to also have an additional optional complementary ability to configure that... People from location X (based on LDAP search OU) will automatically have access to...

- It would be useful we could set individual items, a batch of items and all items of type model to be self-checkout capable - It would be really handy...

+1 This is still needed. It does not seem possible to bulk deselect an assigned company from bulk assets (so that the assets are assigned to no company). Our default...

It would be really handy to be able to assign granular permission by group but also by department and by company. Including what is viewable, requestable and also what can...

Would also be handy to be able to assign permissions for 1. People in a specific ldap group to be assignable to one or more companies. 2. People that are...