Nasser Ghazali
Nasser Ghazali
Also, we need a new release as 2.8.0 uses [email protected], which contains a vulnerability and is fixed in @42.0.0 @jpadilla, is there any ETA for the next release?
Please test it again considering the recent update ([random certification instead of selfsigned]( This should fix the problem.
I used docker-composer and it works like charm. Just update the public IP in `docker-compose.yaml` before running docker-compose and set only ip address (without port and `http://`) in `whatsapp` proxy....
I just used the built image, and this is built for linux/arm64 as is mentioned above. However, in order to run on intel machine, when I use `--platform linux/arm64` ro...
I see the docker build workflow is added just recently. That's good to have it automated. Although still there is room to improve the tagging format in my opinion, but...
One more thing and I am sure you aware of it, still this solution does not work in Iran.