@im4yush if you want to map a continuous value variable to a "bucketed" range, and then use colors on the grouped/bucketed/binned column, you first need to transform the continuous numeric...
@lauren-oldham With regard to adding multiple polygons: Could you maybe do that by saving the `input$map_draw_new_feature` stuff into a `reactiveValues()` list? Then doing the same bundling of coordinates into a...
@lauren-oldham Hey! Thinking about this more, you should draw the polygons with the ids you want BEFORE removing the polygons with the leaflet created ids. That way the user *ideally*...
The way I found that makes the axis text appear crisp is to use a stroke-width of 0 and set something like: fill:grey; stroke-width: 0; Hopefully this helps. Best, NF
I have the same problem.
This is exactly what I am trying to do. So far I have only found this link: