Nicholas M. Getchell

Results 18 comments of Nicholas M. Getchell

Thanks for the patch. There doesn't seem to produce any errors adding your code but please try version 2.6.1 to confirm that the issue is resolved.

Robin, this would be a great addition. Let me know if you need anything!

How does one generate the Bearer token used in the new functionality? Private Tokens can be generated via UI but I can't seem to find anything that would help you...

I like this idea. A lot. I don't think I'll have issues generating a key on the fly ( The issue would be finding a service like appveyor that supports...

I got to use Travis CI lately for some Ansible roles I've built. Pretty slick. I was able to get the latest version of PowerShell installed on Ubuntu Trusty using...

useful snippet ``` powershell $URI = '!' $Body = @{ login='root' password='Pass1word' email='[email protected]' } $Session = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Post $Headers = @{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= $($Session.private_token) } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''...

@TerrapinStation asked offline if he could contribute to this and I say I'm all for it. Here is my to-do list. - [x] Set Access Token to a known value...

I don’t have anything around a wiki in the pipeline. You can treat the wiki as a git repository so you should be able to push changes via git. Close...

@tdemeester This would be a great addition. Fix the minor issues with the PR and consider it accepted!